Information & Instruction Sheets of the product is critical on the shop floor. With today's volumes & varieties on the production lines, one mistake can spell disaster. Availability of the right instruction chart at the right time is a major challenge. Handling amendments is a bigger challenge.
We deploy "Soft" instruction charts displayed on TFT Monitors. The part numbers & serial numbers are read by barcode scanners and the correct "Soft" Instruction Sheet of that part on that workstation is fetched from the central database and displayed on the TFT.
Our Software can integrate with manufacturing equipments like torque wrenches, nut runners, analyzers, load cells,etc. and collect vital process parameters. Statistical analysis and reporting is also part of this solution.
We have solutions for automatic fault / missing component identification using Hi-resolution Cameras and Vision System Software. We have developed a shop floor data collection solution using wireless hand held devices like Tablets and Touch Phones